Four Australian Fur Seals Frolicking

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love (the creative spirit) sent to me:
Four Australian Fur Seals Frolicking
Three Tasmanian Tigers barking
Two Superb Lyrebirds Mimicking
and a Kookaburra up a Gum Tree

The Australian Fur Seal belongs to the group of seals called otariidae, or eared seals. This seal is found around the coast of south-eastern Australia in the waters off Tasmania, Victoria and Bass Strait, as far east as southern New South Wales and as far west as Port Fairy. They breed in colonies on rocky islands in Bass Strait. Two major breeding sites are Seal Rocks near Phillip Island and Lady Julia Percy Island, near Warrnambool.

The seal-folk of Scotland and Ireland, variously called selchies, selkies, silkies, or roanes, have a habit of swimming out of the mists of Faery and landing on the shores of popular culture. Seals were thought to be shape-shifters in many cultures. Tales abound of seals coming to the shore and removing their outer skin and glossy dense fur. As women, they walk upon the earth. They may return to the sea by simply putting back on the skin and fur and many were reported to do so. It was believed that if the skin and fur were found by a man and kept hidden the selchie could not return to the sea and she would marry the man who found her. There are many twists and turns to this tale as it is told throughout different cultures. It is believed that the stories of mermen and merwomen were based on the Seal. (Read More: Seal Symbolism)

Seal Totem tells you it is okay to be strong in yourself. Make your choices based on your inner feelings and knowing, not the words of others. However, do not miss the opportunity of garnering important information by listening appropriately.

The seal teaches those with this totem how to flow, how to hear, and how to discover the deeper mysteries of their true nature. Seals are keepers of wisdom. They reveal to us what is hidden deep within ourselves, and teach us how to integrate our imagination with the reasoning power of the intellect. This will give balance and harmony on all levels.

The seal which is so sleek and gorgeous in the water teaches us how to feel at home in our bodies, and to uncover our inner beauty. The seal is contented with its lot in life! It has swum our way today to remind us to acknowledge and be thankful for our surroundings. As a creature at home in the depths of the sea, the seal calls you to go within the depths of yourself to your inner centre, to your inner pearl. She reminds us that the creative flame burns more brightly in those who have accessed the deep innerspring that is calling to be heard.

Seal brings a gift from the Indigenous People of Australia. These people have a depth of spirituality that can enrich our Non- Indigenous spirits in so many ways. One of these spiritual gifts is Dadirri. Take a little time to reflectively read the following article and message from a remarkable, spirit-filled Aboriginal Woman from Daly River, Miriam Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann. Having grasped a sense of this rich Indigenous gift, consider using, in some way, the suggestions which follow the article.

♣ Make space for intuition!  Begin by learning about listening deeply to your inner guide! This quantum leaping meditation by Burt Goldman is one approach, but there are many options available.

Reserve a space regularly for about 5 minutes, in the morning or evening. Go outside if you can. Simply sit and look at and listen to the earth and environment that surrounds you.

Focus on something specific, such as a bird, a blade of grass, a clump of soil, cracked earth, a flower, bush or leaf, a cloud in the sky or a body of water, whatever you can see.

You can also let something find you, be it a leaf, the sound of a bird, the feel of the breeze, the light on a tree trunk. There’s no need to try, just wait a while.

Be still and silent and listen.

Following this quiet time, there may be, on occasion, the value in expressing in some way your experience of this quiet, still listening. You may wish to talk about the experience or journal, write poetry, draw, paint or sing. This needs to be held in balance – the key to dadirri is in simply being, rather than in outcomes and activity.

♣  There is a lot of material available to support keeping a gratitude journal.

♣  Test run this Navy Seals Morning routine



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