Give With An Open Heart

Because the turkey is closely associated with the spirit of the Earth, it is also symbolic of feminine energies at work in our lives. This animal has been revered in ancient traditions as a symbol of fertility and abundance.

The turkey is a useful guide to unlocking the fullness of life. It invites those who have it as a totem to cultivate the balance between giving and receiving and find contentment in what they have.

The spirit of the Turkey totem puts an emphasis on community and the importance of sharing and generosity. The wisdom of this spirit animal is about paying attention to the people who are part of our life, whether it’s our family members, coworkers, classmates, or society at large.

When the turkey shows up as a spirit guide, it encourages us to see beyond our immediate personal needs and foster a sustainable relationship with others. Those who have the turkey as a power animal or totem may be inclined to be generous and giving without expecting anything in return.

Turkey comes to remind us to share our gifts with those around us, without any expectation of receiving. The only way to receive is to give with an open heart.

Raven’s Magical Thinking

Hold still and be yourself! Be borne up upon the wings of power. Taste the frontier! Wander along the boundary fence and feel its special power.

When you meet Raven, he could be telling you that there will be changes in your life and that possibly you should step by the usual way you view reality and look into the inner realms …walk your talk…be prepared to let go of your old thinking and embrace a new way of viewing yourself and the world.

Given that I have just let go of Soul Food it is no accident that my totem bird, the Raven, has appeared to remind me to embrace a new way of identifying myself. Raven’s appearance is reassuring! He uses his adaptability to magically be present when least expected.

The Act of Letting Go

A couple of weeks ago Lizard entered my life, reminding me of being able to let go! This week, when I was quoted over $5000 to keep Soul Food online for another five years I was challenged! After personally sponsoring this site for over eighteen years, letting go of Soul Food felt like letting go of a part of myself.

When under threat the Lizard will let go of its tail as a defence mechanism thereby ensuring his survival. Choosing to let go of Soul Food quite clearly is not a question of surviving. However, this aside, Lizard is calling upon me to demonstrate that I have the ability to let go.

As it happens, although the site will not be as accessible to the visitors who have benefited from it, Soul Food gets to live on as a part of internet history. It can live, in its entirety, in the Wayback Machine, waiting for internet archaeologists to dig and explore. The work of this web archive is amazing! I am grateful that they are the caretakers now! I will be donating to them You will find links, that take you into the Wayback Machine, to favourite Soul Food features, such as the Advent Calendars, ABC of Alchemy and Chocolate Box on the sidebar of this site

Somehow it is very appropriate that Soul Food now lives ‘way back’, representing a part of who I was. Especially as I approach the finishing line, ready to graduate after four years of study, it is time to carve a new niche for myself and find new directions.

Tips for Letting Go

Mind Body Green

Turn to Gratitude for the Present


Actively seeking that which fulfils my needs

It is no accident that Parrot has flown into my world, encouraging me to keep seeking what nourishes me. Like the parrot, we are each wonderful beings, each gifted with special skills. The parrot’s resplendent colours speak of wearing one’s beauty on the sleeve. The parrot is a gregarious bird who enjoys the interaction with others. After so long tucked up inside my burrow I am happy to be interacting with others.

The parrot also has a great ability to satisfy its needs by foraging for food and nesting places. It is known to eat fruit and seeds and builds nests in all manner of places. Like the parrot, I am actively seeking that which meets my personal needs and the really good news is that a vision is, like a jigsaw puzzle, falling into place.